This society has collapsed, the old normality no longer exists, the illusion of perfection, the demand for hyper productivity, the demand to be perfect, to live idealizing, pursuing impossible goals, to become clouded by being 100% light, all this has become finished. We can no longer evade the shadow, deny the pain, we have to make it body and give it space to inhabit discomfort, uncertainty, the feeling of powerlessness and self-boycott. You have to go through the hangover, take care of the indigestion, sincerely go through the process, which does not skip, does not go ahead, it is always through, it is not worth kicking it for later, we already know the boomerang effect of the shadow returning with more force each time.

That which you deny or project, where do you think it is going? Do you think that if you stop looking at it, it disappears? that if you put it under the rug, it doesn’t exist anymore?

Of course not! We already realized that it persists, that it remains latent, that it returns with another name, with another face, that it takes a thousand forms and manifests itself over and over again as an unbearable loop until you dare to grasp it, accept it and learn with it. It’s time to get into the mud, get into the process, go deep, take a deep dive, let’s try to channel with dance, perspiration, let’s give writing, vomiting, meditation a chance.

Let’s open ourselves to scream therapy, to be and do astrology, to immerse ourselves in biodecoding, purging, detoxing, fasting, constellations, catharsis, it is time to accept that we are light and shadow, that we have a soul full of wounds, that we carry fear, pain and unresolved issues, that travel with us through life. There are memories of pain in this body, in this psyche traumas that recreate the pattern, nest in this heart emotions of what I lost, of what I gained and also deep there awaits the treasure, the potential of what I can heal and release if I I love and accept myself with my ghosts today.

Behind the Fear and Resistance that it generates in us, there is a great Hidden Potential waiting for us. We are summoned to the Transformation, let us release old skins to take a leap of Evolution.

What is your wound talking about? Are you ready to be reborn?

I read you, I hug you
Agu 💜